
X How Career Possibilities Can Help You Answer the College Question
Posted on March 22, 2017

How Career Possibilities Can Help You Answer the College Question


We want our high school students to pursue something that they are passionate about in college, and to turn it into a good career. And while high school students have more information at their fingertips, via the web, than we ever could have imagined in high school, they still have limited exposure to career options.

College is a much better investment if it results in a well-paying job. That is why it is worth the investment to understand a student’s interests, skills and work style to find a career in a fast-growing field that is a good match. Let me give you an example:

A student we were working with was very interested in architecture. After taking the Birkman Assessment, it was pretty clear that he had the interests, skills and work style to be an architect. The only problem is that architects have a hard time finding employment after graduating from college. 

So, we looked at some of his other career options. One of them was creating medical devices. It uses many of the same skills as architecture: problem-solving, design, and attention to detail. And, the big upside is that recent grads in this area are being snapped up by companies.

The biggest challenge for many students is that they have not been exposed to a wide range of career options. Once they understand what they want in a career and where they will excel, they just need to know about more of the career options available to them.

When we match students with careers that are a good fit and in a growing field, everyone wins!

Looking to start the college conversation? Get in touch today!

Let’s talk!